Monday, April 27, 2009
Seeking an Attorney...
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:42 AM
Subject: Seeking a attorney
This message is for Mr. Gary Koederitz,
Dear Mr. Koederitz,
Please reference my messages below to Mr. T. Wahlder and his response back to me. We seem to running into barricade after barricade with no help or assistance from anyone. I read your website and it gave me a measure of hope that perhaps you may be the one person who can help us. There was never "any news coverage" of my granddaughters death, not a word. The newspaper "The Town Talk, Alexandria, LA " agrees the entire case was not only mishandled but there are just too many issues with too many levels of authority involved that they simply cannot risk the political aftermath if they pursued any coverage now.
If the facts surrounding Heathers death and chain of events that occurred were ever to come to light, public outcry would be massive. Of course we are still in shock and in grief but more than anything we simply want honest answers. To think that one level of authority would recluse themselves due to the mishandling of lower levels time after time and then drop the case "due to lack of evidence" is not only shockingly wrong, it is a miscarriage of justice, and unfair to the victim and the family.
They say that time has a way of healing, no one can heal when justice is not served and lives are taken with no one to answer or stand accountable. Michael David Skarina was instrumental in his involvement of the death of his natural daughter and the authorities in LA have allowed this to happen. We need your help desperately. Please take the time to google Heather Renee Skarina, Michael David Skarina and Leyona Goldman (Heathers mother-my daughter). You will be astounded at what you read.
I so appreciate you taking the time to read this and look forward to your response. Please copy my daughter ( with your response.
Thank you in advance for helping us.
Carol Goldman
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 11:56 AM
To: Gary P. Koederitz
Cc: Leyona Goldman
Subject: Seeking a attorney
Importance: High
Please would someone forward this email to Mr. Koederitz for me and acknowledge receipt of this so I know he did receive it. I would so appreciate your thoughtfulness in doing this for me. I also erred in my message and said we were looking for a "Pro Bono attorney" we are not, we are seeking a "contingency attorney". I believe I have stated that correctly this time.
Thank you in advance for responding back to me.
Carol Goldman
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 11:02 AM
Subject: RE: Seeking a attorney
Carol: I am sorry for your loss, and I am sorry that I cannot assist you with the case. You might want to obtain phone numbers of the local bar associations for Shreveport, Lafayette, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, etc. and try them. Many such organizations, including Baton Rouge, maintain a referral service listing attorneys interested in certain types of cases. I wish you luck with everything.
Gary P. Koederitz
Koederitz Law Firm, LLC
8702 Jefferson, Suite A
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Tel. 225-928-9111
Fax 225-926-7117
Mr. Koederitz,
Truthfully, I had to walk away from the computer when I read your response to me. I simply could not believe my eyes were reading the words you had written. For you to dismiss me by telling me to get a phone book is unbelievable. You then reference that Baton Rouge maintains a referral service listing attorneys who might be interested. Finally you close "wishing me luck". To say I was rendered speechless is to put it mildly.
Did you even take the time to read Mr. Wahlders response and suggestion to me below. If you had you would have saw where her suggested I contact the "The Louisiana Association for Justice" for help. I immediately googled their site and within a few strokes of the keyboard I find you.
Your resume is extensive and impressive. Member of the Baton Rouge Bar Association, "Louisiana Association for Justice", American Association for Justice, and served on the Board of Governors of the Louisiana Association for Justice for several years, to list just a few of your numerous attributes.
Now exactly what are you telling me, "you simply have no suggestions nor can offer any assistance". How can that possibly be? Exactly what is the LA. Assoc for Justice doing? Or for that matter Am Assoc. for Justice? Do they just have a fancy title and get funded mega bucks for office space and clerical assistance to do nothing? I'm just a simple person with a simple education and yet I know when something smells to high heaven and isn't right. These agencies hawk their willingness to provide assistance and help you find justice, but when you reach out to them they slam doors in your face or dismiss you with insincere words of sympathy and send you away.
The exact agencies I was referred to, you are a highly respected member of. Why would you dismiss me so frivolously and with no substantial reason nor any effort what so ever to provide assistance? Surely you are not that callous and uncaring a person. You possess the ability and have the connections and means to help us, why won't you. Even though you do not personally know me, the case alone should perk the spark in you that demands such wrongs be made right. Isn't that what all your oaths make reference to?
I'm begging you to reconsider and help us. We have been steadfast in our quest to seek help in finding answers, hold accountable those who either hindered or covered up facts as well as those who contributed to the death of our beloved granddaughter (and daughter). So many simply are not willing to face the hurdles (political or career) and help us. It isn't because there is no case, it's due to fear, repercussions, heat from where ever, in short the pot is boiling and no one wants to go near it. That doesn't make it right, Mr. Koederitz, it makes it tragic (for us). Because now not only is our Heather a victim but we have become victims as well.
I anxiously awaiting hearing back from you, one way or the other. I need to know you did receive this message.
Thank you for listening and responding.
Carol Goldman
Mr. Koederitz,
I realize you are a busy man. I have however patiently been waiting for a reply from you. It has been ten (10 days) since you received my email below. Would you please respond back to me. I am very confused that you offer me no assistance nor definite direction for seeking assistance. Every association you are a member of "professes to be one that reaches out to help those in need of legal assistance". Yet, you dismiss me with no reason given nor provide me with information as to who can assist me.
I realize you do not have to personally help us. But, I do not believe I am overstepping in my continued request for you to provide us with accurate information on who we can contact to help us. Please respond to my request below. I appreciate you taking the time to do this for us.
Carol Goldman
cc: Leyona Goldman
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 12:58 PM
Subject: RE: Request and response
I do not wish to represent you, and I am sorry but I have no further suggestions.
Gary P. Koederitz
Koederitz Law Firm, LLC
8702 Jefferson, Suite A
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Tel. 225-928-9111
Fax 225-926-7117
Rules for conduct?
Today I have a few e mails to share, this is my response to several e mails from this man to my mother.
We are still attempting to get an attorney to help us and can find no one. Even Gloria Alred turned me down. Well, at least one of her junior attorneys did. It was a shot in the dark... ok? I'm not ruling anyone out just yet.
I will not give up the hope that we will find someone willing to take on the slimeball political family in Rapides Parish, La
How can someone be so rude? He's supposed to help those who can't help themself... I think he needs to find a new job personally, but then again he is why attorneys have such a bad reputation.
After reading his emails to my mother I was so upset I looked for this man & found this "creed" belonging to the group he is a member of... seems he forgot his "oath" so I reminded him.....
Louisiana Association for Justice Lawyer's Creed
I. I revere the Law, the Civil Justice System, and the profession, and I pledge that in my private and professional life, and in my dealings with fellow members of the Bar, I will uphold the dignity and respect of each in my behavior toward others.
II. In all dealings with fellow members of the Bar, I will be guided by a fundamental sense of integrity and fair play; I know that effective advocacy does not mean hitting below the belt.
III. I will not abuse the Civil Justice System or the Profession by pursuing or opposing discovery through arbitrariness or for the purpose of harassment or undue delay.
IV. I will not seek accommodation from a fellow member of the Bar for the rescheduling of any Court setting or discovery unless a legitimate need exists. I will not misrepresent conflicts, nor will I ask for accommodation for the purpose of tactical advantage or undue delay.
V. In my dealings with the Court and my fellow counsel, as well as others, my word is my bond.
VI. I will readily stipulate the undisputed facts to avoid needless cost and inconvenience to any party and will work with opposing counsel to reduce the expense of litigation.
VII. I recognize that my conduct is not governed solely by the Rules of Professional Conduct, but also by standards of fundamental decency and courtesy.
VIII. I will strive to be punctual in communications with others and in honoring scheduled appearances, and I will recognize that neglect and tardiness are demeaning to me and to the Profession.
IX. If a fellow member of the Bar makes a just request for cooperation, or seeks scheduling accommodation, I will not arbitrarily or unreasonably withhold consent.
X. I recognize that effective advocacy does not require antagonistic or obnoxious behavior, and as a member of the Bar, I pledge to adhere to the higher standard of conduct which we, our clients, and the public may rightfully expect.
Seems to me, Mr Koederitz that you have forgotten these.. ...
You are the most rude an obnoxious person I have had the displeasure of being in contact with.
I hope you never have a child be ripped from your life and treated with such disrespect.
My mother reached out to you and you basically blow her off without so much as
"sorry for your loss" My guess is you didn't read anything pertaining to this case.
You are also involved in some way.... could that be the reason for your harshness and
disregard for my mothers feelings or is it that lawyers such as yourself just want all the "glory" of having a trail of groups you are a member of to make yourself look far more important than you are?
You should clearly rethink your membership in a group that you pledge to conduct yourself in a certain manner then do the complete opposite.
Shame on you and may you never experience the heartbreak and frustration we have.
I look forward to posting your e mails on my blog for everyone to see and read, hopefully it will trickle down to your clients.. if you have any; considering your rudeness and lack of compassion.
One day we will be heard and it will be national news and your name will be on the list right under the Alexandria Town Talk and every other person in La that has stood in my way to the truth behind my daughters MURDER. Yes she was murdered in your state by a sheriffs deputy and covered up by the police and DA... my daughter begged on MORE THAN ONE OCCASION to be away from that man...and did the police help her?! NO!!.. he drove her to die.. in a police car and left her crying... LESS than 24 hours later she was DEAD....with no formal "time of death" They are responsible for her death and It will come to light with or without your help.
It's a shame you have no desire to help us, but I know there is someone out there that will.
Heather deserved better than this and If it is the last thing I do I will not have what happened to her happen to any other child whose father refuses to pay support and goes to such great lengths as tax evasion, skipping about the country and eventually even murder to avoid supporting his child. LA helped him every step of the way.... for 25 years they stood in my way and still are to this day.
This has to end, someone must listen. Is Louisiana corruption so ramped that no one has any morals anymore? Is there not a decent lawyer in the state?
I'll find someone, without your help.
I do not wish for you to represent us in anyway and keep your suggestions to contact the bar...
in 3 years you honestly think we haven't contacted the BAR???
You obviously did not read the original email. I can only hope you've read thus far.
Thank you for you time, you obviously feel it is more important than other peoples time.
Sorry to inform you but my time is just as valuable; even if I don't charge by the minute.
You were a waste of Mother's time, I'm sorry she contacted you in the first place, but what do you expect when you contact those who are SUPPOSED TO HELP YOU?
certainly not this, but live and learn.
Thank you for not helping,
Leyona Goldman
Mother of the Late Heather-Renee' Skarina
who was murdered in Louisiana by cooperative efforts of the city of BALL, Rapides Parish Sheriff's office and the DA along with Michael D Skarina on September 18, 2005
We are still attempting to get an attorney to help us and can find no one. Even Gloria Alred turned me down. Well, at least one of her junior attorneys did. It was a shot in the dark... ok? I'm not ruling anyone out just yet.
I will not give up the hope that we will find someone willing to take on the slimeball political family in Rapides Parish, La
How can someone be so rude? He's supposed to help those who can't help themself... I think he needs to find a new job personally, but then again he is why attorneys have such a bad reputation.
After reading his emails to my mother I was so upset I looked for this man & found this "creed" belonging to the group he is a member of... seems he forgot his "oath" so I reminded him.....
Louisiana Association for Justice Lawyer's Creed
I. I revere the Law, the Civil Justice System, and the profession, and I pledge that in my private and professional life, and in my dealings with fellow members of the Bar, I will uphold the dignity and respect of each in my behavior toward others.
II. In all dealings with fellow members of the Bar, I will be guided by a fundamental sense of integrity and fair play; I know that effective advocacy does not mean hitting below the belt.
III. I will not abuse the Civil Justice System or the Profession by pursuing or opposing discovery through arbitrariness or for the purpose of harassment or undue delay.
IV. I will not seek accommodation from a fellow member of the Bar for the rescheduling of any Court setting or discovery unless a legitimate need exists. I will not misrepresent conflicts, nor will I ask for accommodation for the purpose of tactical advantage or undue delay.
V. In my dealings with the Court and my fellow counsel, as well as others, my word is my bond.
VI. I will readily stipulate the undisputed facts to avoid needless cost and inconvenience to any party and will work with opposing counsel to reduce the expense of litigation.
VII. I recognize that my conduct is not governed solely by the Rules of Professional Conduct, but also by standards of fundamental decency and courtesy.
VIII. I will strive to be punctual in communications with others and in honoring scheduled appearances, and I will recognize that neglect and tardiness are demeaning to me and to the Profession.
IX. If a fellow member of the Bar makes a just request for cooperation, or seeks scheduling accommodation, I will not arbitrarily or unreasonably withhold consent.
X. I recognize that effective advocacy does not require antagonistic or obnoxious behavior, and as a member of the Bar, I pledge to adhere to the higher standard of conduct which we, our clients, and the public may rightfully expect.
Seems to me, Mr Koederitz that you have forgotten these.. ...
You are the most rude an obnoxious person I have had the displeasure of being in contact with.
I hope you never have a child be ripped from your life and treated with such disrespect.
My mother reached out to you and you basically blow her off without so much as
"sorry for your loss" My guess is you didn't read anything pertaining to this case.
You are also involved in some way.... could that be the reason for your harshness and
disregard for my mothers feelings or is it that lawyers such as yourself just want all the "glory" of having a trail of groups you are a member of to make yourself look far more important than you are?
You should clearly rethink your membership in a group that you pledge to conduct yourself in a certain manner then do the complete opposite.
Shame on you and may you never experience the heartbreak and frustration we have.
I look forward to posting your e mails on my blog for everyone to see and read, hopefully it will trickle down to your clients.. if you have any; considering your rudeness and lack of compassion.
One day we will be heard and it will be national news and your name will be on the list right under the Alexandria Town Talk and every other person in La that has stood in my way to the truth behind my daughters MURDER. Yes she was murdered in your state by a sheriffs deputy and covered up by the police and DA... my daughter begged on MORE THAN ONE OCCASION to be away from that man...and did the police help her?! NO!!.. he drove her to die.. in a police car and left her crying... LESS than 24 hours later she was DEAD....with no formal "time of death" They are responsible for her death and It will come to light with or without your help.
It's a shame you have no desire to help us, but I know there is someone out there that will.
Heather deserved better than this and If it is the last thing I do I will not have what happened to her happen to any other child whose father refuses to pay support and goes to such great lengths as tax evasion, skipping about the country and eventually even murder to avoid supporting his child. LA helped him every step of the way.... for 25 years they stood in my way and still are to this day.
This has to end, someone must listen. Is Louisiana corruption so ramped that no one has any morals anymore? Is there not a decent lawyer in the state?
I'll find someone, without your help.
I do not wish for you to represent us in anyway and keep your suggestions to contact the bar...
in 3 years you honestly think we haven't contacted the BAR???
You obviously did not read the original email. I can only hope you've read thus far.
Thank you for you time, you obviously feel it is more important than other peoples time.
Sorry to inform you but my time is just as valuable; even if I don't charge by the minute.
You were a waste of Mother's time, I'm sorry she contacted you in the first place, but what do you expect when you contact those who are SUPPOSED TO HELP YOU?
certainly not this, but live and learn.
Thank you for not helping,
Leyona Goldman
Mother of the Late Heather-Renee' Skarina
who was murdered in Louisiana by cooperative efforts of the city of BALL, Rapides Parish Sheriff's office and the DA along with Michael D Skarina on September 18, 2005
Justice For Heather-Renee',
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