Friday, January 30, 2009

The LA Justice Department? Oh, what a joke

January 29, 2009
Dear Leyona,

I am truly sorry for your loss. Your daughter is Beautiful....
I say is Beautiful, because her spirit and soul "LIVE ON " through you, and in everyone who was blessed to have her in their life.

"Wonderful Caring MOM"...YOU.
My heart is sad, and my eyes are tearful, after reading just a little bit of what happened. If there is anything I can do, to help you and your family, please contact the meantime Love, I send you Angel Energy, my love, my positivity, my prayers, my thoughts, my compassion, and my love.

God Bless You.

Kimberly Dunn at 9:45pm January 29

Hi Leyona ,

It's Kimberly again,

Just talked to a personal friend who had some issues investigating the death of his son, in which there was no cooperation, and he suggested that you contact the State Attny general,and if that doesn't work, contact the United States Attny General,and they will launch your case with the F.B.I.
That's what he did, and he finally got hem to investigate his sons case, and then he was able to find out the truth, and with truth, comes some closure.


10:29am January 30

Thank you so much Kimberly, your words do offer untold amounts of strength for me. Thank you.

Unfortunately we have gone as far as the MS FBI but because we can not "PROVE" he took her against her will they can or will do nothing.
The Rapides Parish DA ran hiding behind the LA Justice Department Recused themselves so they could not be sued.. each one passed us off to the next and claimed they could do nothing "NOT EVEN IF HE CONFESSED" and still would not give us a GRAND JURY to hear our case, after they swore repeatedly that is what was going to happen.
had us write letters to the Grand Jury, for all we know they were never even read by anyone, let alone the police jury.

imagine that.. they told us they KNEW he did this but their hands were tied?????? I want to know by WHO?

WHO IS THIS MAN? that can for over 20 years manage to kill, mame and destroy one life after another and still people defend and help him?

My day will come and it will be a good one

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We are launching our own network... please join us at
Justice for HR

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Still trying to get Media Attention

Dear Oxygen Network and NBC investigates:

Please help us, we have been fighting for Someone to hear us, my daughter is dead and was found in the home of a Rapides Parish Sheriff Deputy and No investigation was ever fully conducted.. please help us make them investigate this as a crime as the chief of police told them to do but it never happened. We were promised a Grand Jury Hearing only to have it taken away and the DA ran hiding behind the Justice Department..... Read each story :
My blog has most everything and all links to police reports

I pray you take the time to either read the information or at least pass this along to the right person or persons,
I am pleading with you to help us. The newspaper in the town she was murdered refused to even print an obituary let alone the story of a Mississippi girl found dead in a Louisiana sheriff deputy's home. This is only one of many Rapides Parish Cover ups.
This newspaper has also in the past promised to do a story by one editor and within a few weeks he was fired and the new editor claimed no idea of any story to be done. I even contacted Gannette myself only to be told they do not get involved in individual paper story ideas. So many lies, can you or someone PLEASE HELP US.

Thank you in advance for your time, and patience and over all compassion.

Please for one moment think about how it would be
to have YOUR happy, healthy beautiful 22 year old daughter disappear and be found dead miles from her home in a home of a man she barely knew and owed her child support that she herself was pursuing; 2 months after contacting an attorney to get her money.. she was dead in his home.... after 2 other incidences involving this same department in the same night in which she asked REPEATEDLY to be AWAY from that man, yet the deputy put her in his car and drove her to her death...and within 24 hours my daughter was dead and they couldn't even tell me WHEN she died...? 4 person took pictures, yet only 14 were given to me. They lied to me over and over and dragged ting out to where I was even unable to file a wrongful death suit against the lot of them.
Yet Alexandria Town Talk felt this was not news worthy and for 3 years still feels it is not.

HR's father when he realised she was gone did not call me, he called the last number dialed in the cell phone she was using..and asked what did Heather want? then proceeded to tell the person she was dead and a bottle was beside the bed, that WAS A LIE, no bottles were ever in the same room with her.

I am sorry I can on and on with, please forgive me. We need some help here...

Leyona Goldman
Natural Mother of the Late Heather-Renee' Skarina
Please include in all correspondence Carol Goldman

1.Justice for HR Group on myspace
2. Justice for Heather-Renee' Group on Facebook

3. Cover up in Rapides Parish?

4. Petition for Grand Jury Hearing in the Death of Heather-Renee' Skarina

5. The Strange Death of Heather-Renee Sarah

6. HR at Find a Grave


Monday, January 26, 2009

Why did he come for her?

I wrote a note to one of the closest people to HR at the time she was murdered. It has taken me this long to find her again. Please take time to read both. Some of the things in her e mail I was unaware of. See how something to one person can be so insignificant but can mean the world of difference to another and shed light on dark areas...
I'm not sure what to think about the "Uncle" being mentioned but that is something I will have to look into, Hmmm?

Fantasy Comments & Graphics


well we know who did it.. it's just making him be held accountable. He has connections through family that go all the way to the LA Justice Department, but it's all comming in time it will topple onto thier heads I just hope i am there to watch.

The Rapides SO is under investigation yet again.. but will it be really investigated. I think not. My only hope the media at this point. had it not be for the media that little girl would have never been missed for long let along found.

I also have other information that they don't know I have, when the day right i will drop that and all hell will break loose... i just have to prepare for the backlash..I still need to know about the "miscarriage" because Vickie she wasn't pregnant. I have her medical records and all the labs. So did she really "believe she was " and was devastated not to be, or was it her way of trying to get me to come running home?

You were there, you know what happened those last few days before she ended up with Mike.. Did you know she was there? Did she call you from LA?I talked to her the Sunday before and she told me she was in V'burg cleaning house because M was coming... I blew up and ask her why.. she said she needed a "hug" I told her to grab a tree and hung it for all the sympathy she'd get from tha piece of shit..
I went OFF... not knowing she was IN LA and he was right there recording every word... now why would he have her call me and record a message if he wasn't setting it up to prove she wasn't being held against her will or some crazy reason.. why would he feel the need to record the conversation?

That first conversation was over me coming home the next week on the 19, I told her after the ER visit on the 7th to come here. Give Grammy Raven have the neighbor watch Binx and get on a plane..
she wouldn't come, she was worried about taking the time from her job, i guess you guys were gonna lay off or something so she didn't want to be gone and loose her job and apartment.
so she disappears after all????

IT just doesn't make any kind of since.
She was also seeing the shrink and having hypno therapy over what happened at your house.
So this is someone who they say killed them self? when she was doing everything to get her self BETTER and feel BETTER!

I THINK NOT, but if there is something you know and are afraid to tell me please don't be. I need to know..

I HAVE to know so please tell me every detail of what you know about her "supposedly" calling Michael" to come get her because she couldn't drive" but why was she driving anywhere?
HR wasn't the type to take sleep meds and want to drive... face it she rather SLEEP so did he drug her to get her to LA then make her call me 2 days later? Knowing I'd be looking for her?
I still do not believe she ask him to come for her?

Thanks i appreciate any and all information you may have. i do not care how insignificant it may seem I want to know.

Heather didn't even take her brush or blow was still plugged in and the other bag was still in her trunk.. she didn't pack for herself, that is for sure. there was nothing packed but a plastic bin of 10 pair of shoes with 2 mates we found in the apt. a stack of sleep t's and 2 pair of PJs.. NO STREET CLOTHES no make up no toothbrush, no blow dryer, no HAIR BRUSH and he took the dog, and THE CAT ... (Binx) in a 2 seater truck for 3 hours... the clothes she had on was found i have to be the items she purchased at the Mall on Friday the 16 because no other clothes of hers where returned to us and they didn't return the clothes she was wearing nor her jewelry. They claim to have removed it at the scene. Her ruby ring and belly ring are gone..

I've ranted enough...
I think I'll use this on my blog..maybe.. we'll see thanks!


Fantasy Comments & Graphics

Ms. Leyona,

I can tell you what I know, as you know I had just went thru a ordeal with my husband, and my mind was still in a state of shock.. HR thought at one time she was possibly pregnant, but she stated to me that she lost it.. She did not tell me everything, I just told her, if she felt bad and was not sure , she needed to see a doctor...

And she has never told me anything about Micheal, except he was here sperm donor, she stated it had been about 15yrs, since she had seen him.

So I can not understand why ,she would go to him, I do not believe she would have on her on free will, and especially not take anything with her either. I did receive a call from her the night I guess she left with him, I had know idea if he was there, or if she was leaving with him, or I would have went and got her myself..
Then I believe 2 days later or 1 day later, I got a call from her, She did not sound herself, I asked if everything was OK, she had told me a everything was fine...

I asked her why she was there, after all these years, she never answered that question, or that I can remember. She did say something about her uncle , something had happened the night before, and the cops where there, she said she would have to tell me later.

But I never heard back from her, I tried calling, but got no answer, And the next day, was my Husbands Birthday, and I got that dredded phone call from a total stranger I did not know, and told me she was gone, I was speechless, and said give me a few minutes and call back, I had to get myself together, and tell my daughter, they where really ,really close...

I got a call back, Micheal stated my number was the last person she called, so he called me, that I do not understand, why he did not call family first...
I asked what the hell happened, only thing he said, was her step-brother, went in to wake her up, to see if she was going to church, and she was un-covered and cold, so he covered her up, and she would never get up, so he went to ck. on her, and that's when he realized she was gone, he stated there was a empty bottle of pills beside the bed side table, he stated she must of overdosed on ellavil..

I said she would never do that... I was just screaming and crying at him, not sure what else I said or he said, I told him I had to go, but thanks for calling me.... I have un-answered questions, of why she was there to began with, and what the hell did she do to my friend... and at the funeral, why did she have all those damn bruises on her, that did not make sense...
But I only knew HR, by what she told me about herself, I did not know everything, My youngest daughter, looked up to her as her big sister, they did alot of things together all the time, after work and on weekends, if she was not busy..

I hoped this has helped some, I have tried to remember everything that has happened to make sure I have not missed anything, But there is still alot I do not remember, from the shock of my husband, killing himself, a month before this happen with HR... The one person I could talk to when know one else would listen...

I will always remember her big smile, and I will remember her last voice message she put on her cell phone, " This is HR, I have made some changes in my life, If you recieve a call bk. your my friend if not , you are the reason I moved on. something to that affect.... She was trying to make changes in her life, with boyfriends I guess...

I just wish I could understand why, she went to him, instead of to some of her friends , or why he came and got her, if that's what happened... I do not understand why her neighbors, next door did not know anything or hear anything... That makes know sense to me either..

She visited with them quite often....I hope justice's comes soon.... If you have anymore question's I will try and help the best I can, or try and get the answers for you...
Hugs back 2 you,