Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Has anyone else seen something like this?!

Facebook Login

Account Inaccessible
This account is in a special memorial state. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.
Yeah right they have denied access to the people who knew her and loved her
Will everyone else please write Facebook and ask them to give me back my account for
Heather-Renee' Skarina
July 8, 1983 - September18,2005
This was my account and they took it away and I have no idea why?

Now Facebook, how much more am I supposed to take?

Facebook has taken away Heather's regular page away from me even though I have told them REPEATEDLY that if they would get thier dates straight
SHE WAS ALREADY DEAD... I am the author of that page.
They removed all the links to the pages and all my work..
3 flipping years of working onthis... her pages were on YAHOO! I still have them in my favorites but those pages..
they stay JUST THE WAY THEY ARE! the way she left them..
This was my way of contacting people who may not have heard or known she was gone.
I finally start to weed through and was finding people she worked with and had been with her in the last few days before she disapeared... I have been look ing for 3 years now... I find them and they shut down the fucking page!
CHRISTMAS EVE! not that I care but is't it the flipping holidays when people tend to MISS THOSE THAT ARE GONE THE MOST>>>>>>
WTF could they have been thinking?

I Miss You Comments &Graphics

This is my last letter of about 4 in the same amount of days with no response back so I hope they never sleep and I will be thinking moving this all to another venue somehow someway... or just fuck it... doesn't seem to be doing anything other than make me crazier that most of you already think I am... FINE... so I'm crazy, I love it , I relish it... I have a doctors note... so there!

But crazy people are remembered and well behaved women never make history and of course there was that squeeky wheel.....

I may just put it all here, every picture, every police report... eveything...
maybe I just get my own domaine.... hmmm

I try to tell myself (daily) and others, that out of all bad there is SOME good... you just have to look for it..or twist it to suit your need...
this is bad, but there is some good in here somewhere...... I'm detirmined and have plenty of time on my hands

again with the patience.... it grows thin today

all I can do is cry..

Why can't they just leave well enough alone?

I Miss You Comments & Graphics

PS: Does GANNETT CORP Own FACEBOOK or part it??? I'm just asking...

Gothic Comments & Graphics

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We finally got the files back today.. BUT

Mama, received the files back today, finally after 4 months or so of stalling this is what she found.... my earlier e mail was my response to his reply to this letter... what nerve! After everything they have told us, we have ALL the e mails from them, he has the nerve to say this... I'm angry and I'm tired of being lied to continuously. THIS HAS TO END...
48 hours did a few stories this past week about families who took investigations into their own hands, I felt so validated.. I know I will never give up and that just helped me enforce my belief that this will someday come to light and we will have answers. Someone will listen and someone will help us, I just have to be patient.

Now enjoy this crap from the Trash talk....

Mr. Carty,
I received my files back just minutes ago via Fed-Ex.
I appreciate the return of them. I cannot express my overwhelming feelings of total frustration when I reviewed them. The files were sent so "the Town Talk"could have access to the evidence relating to the my granddaughters deathand all the inconsistencies surrounding the absolutely total unprofessionalism and lies relating to the so called investigation into her death by various departments of law enforcement in LA.
A major portion of the files were multiple pages "stapled together". Anyonewith a ounce of intelligence knows when you remove a staple to make copies,you must then re-staple the pages. When it is re-staple you can see the holes made by the original staple.
Additionally there are "absolutely no fold edges"on any of the pages to indicate the pages where folded back to allow for coping without removing the staples.

How can anyone at the Town Talk declare they are totally committed to revealing truth and uncovering corruption when they have the opportunity toreview first hand evidence to support allegations and they do nothing? I amappalled at this action by the Town Talk.

My files were kept for months, and I continued to receive messages they are being reviewed, follow-ups are being made to verify the validity of documents received and "copies of my files were being made", when in truth "NOTHING WAS BEING DONE".

Shame on all of you.
My sincerest hope is that no one at the Town Talk ever has to suffer and experience the pain and agonizing grief of losing a loved one and have everyone feed you false hope and lead you to believe they will help, while in fact they are just pacifying you.
Does no one at the Town Talk know the definitions of the words "Truth, Integrity, Compassion, Honor,or Moral obligation"?

I can only assume they do not. The very actions of the handling of my files and all the overwhelming support I have provided for the Town Talk's review, support my feeling and assumptions totally.

Perhaps someone at the Town Talk can explain to me why this has happened. Why has everyone at the Town talk elected and chosen to turn their backs, ignore and disregard over 600 pages of documented evidence (sent in goodfaith) for them to review, and continually lied saying they were being copied and investigations on-going?

I would hope that some form of explanation will be sent to me.

This is emotional torture and devastating to our family.

Carol Goldman
Maternal grandmother of Heather-Renee Skarina 7/8/1983-9/18/2005

The Alexandria TRASH talk

I am so angry this morning I want to spit nails.... this damn paper IF you want to call it a paper... is still giving us crap over this...
This RAG... is a joke my next petition will be to shut this good for nothing pieced of shit paper down... if they are so Short staffed then maybe they should just shut down......
if I say much more I will probably regret it.... so on to my response to another Bullshit letter from the
Alexandria Trash Talk......

This is another LIE!

This paper told us IN WRITING that they would do this story....


YOU should all be ASHAMED of yourselves and I hope you never sleep at night!
If ever something so HORRIBLE happens to someone YOU LOVE you would feel differently.

This a paper is a joke and if it's the last thing I do I will make sure your FEW readers KNOW what a piece of shit paper this is!


On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 6:15 AM, Carty, Paul <> wrote:
Thank you for your response and for confirming the receipt of the files.
We made copies of what we believe we need. We also have done some reporting related to your many allegations.
For the record, no one here said anything simply to give you "false hope and lead you to believe they will help, while in fact they are just pacifying you." You believe someone did, however, so I will apologize for that.
Paul Carty
Executive Editor The Town Talk

This is such bull, WHY on earth would we send OVER 600 pages of documents to someone who wasn't going to HELP US!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

World Wide Candle Lighting for Children who have died

Worldwide Candle Lighting

The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting®, held annually the second Sunday in December, this year December 14, unites family and friends around the globe as they light candles for one hour to honor and remember children who have died at any age from any cause. As candles are lit at 7 p.m. local time, creating a virtual wave of light, hundreds of thousands of persons commemorate and honor the memories of children in a way that transcends all ethnic, cultural, religious, and political boundaries.
Now believed to be the largest mass candle lighting on the globe, the Worldwide Candle Lighting, a gift from TCF to the bereavement community, creates a virtual 24-hour wave of light as it moves from time zone to time zone. Hundreds of formal candle lighting events are held and thousands of informal candle lightings are conducted in homes as families gather in quiet remembrance of children who have died, but will never be forgotten.
The Worldwide Candle Lighting started in the United States in 1997 as a small Internet observance but has since swelled in numbers as word has spread throughout the world of the remembrance.
The 2007 Worldwide Candle Lighting saw information on services received from 21 countries outside the United States. Joining TCF last year were chapters of several bereavement organizations including MISS, Twinless Twins, MADD, Parents of Murdered Children, and BPUSA and services were held in all 50 states plus Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico.
A Remembrance Book is available during the event at TCF's USA national website. In that short one day span, thousands of messages are received and posted each year from every U.S. state and Washington D.C., every territory, as well as dozens of other countries. Some are in foreign languages.
Here in the United States, publicity about the event is widespread, being featured over the years in Dear Abby, Parade Magazine, Ann Landers column, Guideposts magazine, Annie’s Mailbox, and literally hundreds of U.S. newspapers, dozens of television stations, and numerous websites and personal blogs.
Please help spread the word about this tremendous event and invite anyone who is unable to attend a service to light a candle at 7 p.m. for one hour wherever they may be.
If no Worldwide Candle Lighting service was held near you in 2007, please feel free to plan one open to the public this year. As an aid in planning the service, you are welcome to use TCF's "Suggestions to Help Plan Memorial Services in Conjunction with The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting©." All allied bereavement organizations, churches, funeral homes, hospices and formal and informal bereavement groups are invited to join in the remembrance.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Why did they have to lie?

Thanks for the email...

Everything in his email are the very QUESTIONS we have been asking all along. The main reason I have not released what i was given is because it isn't an autopsy.. it was some kind of outline... It wasn't even complete none of the test results were included and the RAPE KIT wReport wasn't there. No mention of it actually other than Ribado's report. Even the 2nd pathologist told us what we were given was not a formal autopsy report.
We do know from the report that:
1. There was no sign of vomiting.. No pills found in her stomach or intestinal tract.. more drugs in her system than she had access too. she also had metabolites, which means she had been given this drug for several days, it was NOT a one time DOSE.. otherwise why would she have 3 days worth of drug breakdown..?.
2. The ONLY THING FOUND was The UNEXPLAINED "puncture type" wound on the inside of the left elbow with purple bruising, nothing else mentioned and no photo to my knowledge. There was mention of drawings i requested them but was NEVER given them.
3. Heather had NO alcohol in her system not even bi-products so it was a LIE that she was drinking I still see no evidence she was ever in that bar, it was Michael's "story" to the police.
4. Blood on her hands and mouth: a 10 year old came in, tried to wake her and walked out, Not once, but[ 3] THREE times then claims to have covered her with a "light blanket" because she felt funny... yet I see no 'blanket" in the photos and he thought NOTHING of the BLOOD on the floor and her face.... for over 3 hours he supposedly sat an watched TV next to his Dad asleep in the living room.

We have NEVER been given the actual autopsy documents or the drawings or photos. I was told by Keith T in Lafayette Coroner's office in writing that NO PHOTOS were taken. This all goes back to Dr Collie Trant's accusations of mishandling in 2005.. Heather was one of those cases!

I have sent FOI letters to everyone requesting this information and was told lie after lie after lie...just like the video, I know in my heart that there is video out there some where I just don't know where to find it.
The coroner's office sent me one page and it was from Lafayette. I was given nothing from them. Everything were were given was from the Justice Department and it was only parts of the file.ONLY WHAT THEY WANTED US TO HAVE...
To my knowledge the "re interviews" never took place.. they never gave us proof of any interviews. I specifically asked for Christopher's audio, i was told it didn't exist. yet several notations are made that audio recordings were made by Lt Carl Bordelon and Ribaldo.
And 3 people took only 14 pictures.... yeah right...

LIE LIE LIE they were protecting each other for WHAT?

I have no idea why but they ignored this girl and now she is dead and they are to blame. Had Patrolman Wayne Clark taken her to the Police Department Where she could call someone, she'd be alive today. He was supposed to PROTECT HER and he had 2 CHANCES not one TWO

Questions and MORE questions...

I will keep right on asking until they answer..

BTW The Town Talk STILL has my mother documents, now claiming they have split them up and need to "gather them" in order to return them...

& I fell off a turnip truck last week....

See, Other's have questions too..

----- Original Message -----
From: WeSawThat
To: "Kurtispaulk"
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 08:49 PM
Subject: Re: heather-renee

hi - thanks for your emails - sorry to take so long to reply -

last year when i posted about heather renee her mother told me that she had the autopsy report but didnt want to release it online. i didnt and dont have any reason to be suspicious of her not wanting to release it as i was interested in having something unusual to post about. plus i found the whole story, as presented, to be very haunting. not like a ghost or anything like that, but just wondering and trying to imagine what transpired in her final hours. i am still at a loss as to what really happened.
i still hear from her mother from time-to-time and maybe in time she will release the autopsy report. if i ever do get it i will send it on to you.

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 9:19 AM, Kurtispaulk wrote:
I would like to read the toxicology report to see what they found.
That is if they did one.
From Wikipedia:
Overdose on Elavil
Tricyclic antidepressant overdose is a significant cause of fatal drug poisoning. The severe morbidity and mortality associated with these
drugs is well documented due to their cardiovascular and neurological toxicity. Additionally, it is a serious problem in the pediatric population due to their inherent toxicity[18] and the availability of these in the home
when prescribed for bed wetting and depression.
The central nervous system and heart are the two main systems that are affected. Initial or mild symptoms include drowsiness, a dry mouth,
nausea, and vomiting. More severe complications include hypotension, cardiac rhythm disturbances, hallucinations, and seizures. Electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities are frequent and a wide variety of cardiac dysrhythmias can occur, the most common being sinus tachycardia and intraventricular conduction delay (QRS prolongation).[19] Seizures and cardiac dysrhythmias are the most important life threatening complications.
Tricyclics have a narrow therapeutic index, i.e. the therapeutic dose is close to the toxic dose. In the medical literature the lowest reported
toxic dose is 6.7 mg per kg body weight, ingestions of 10 to 20 mg per
kilogram of body weight are a risk for moderate to severe poisoning, although doses ranging from 1.5 to 5 mg/kg may even present a risk. Most poison control centers refer any case of TCA poisoning (especially in children) to a hospital for monitoring.[20] Factors that increase the risk of toxicity include advancing age, cardiac status, and concomitant use of other drugs.[21] However, serum drug levels are not useful for evaluating risk
of arrhythmia or seizure in tricyclic overdose.[22]
Toxic mechanism
Most of the toxic effects of TCAs are caused by four major pharmacological effects. TCAs have anticholinergic effects, cause excessive blockade of norepinephrine reuptake at the postganglionic synapse, direct alpha adrenergic blockade, and importantly they block sodium membrane channels with slowing of membrane depolarization, thus having quinidine like effects on the myocardium.[23]
Initial treatment of an acute overdose includes gastric decontamination
of the patient. This is achieved by administering activated charcoal which adsorbs the drug in the gastrointestinal tract either orally or via a nasogastric tube. Other decontamination methods such as stomach pumps, ipecac induced emesis, or whole bowel irrigation are not recommended in
TCA poisoning.[24][25] Symptomatic patients are usually monitored in an intensive care unit for minimum of 12 hours, with close attention paid to maintenance of the airways, along with monitoring of blood pressure, arterial pH, and continuous ECG monitoring.[23] Supportive therapy is given if necessary, including respiratory assistance, maintenance of body temperature, and administration of sodium bicarbonate as an antidote.
Sodium bicarbonate is given intravenously and it has been shown to be an effective treatment for resolving the metabolic acidosis and cardiovascular complications of TCA poisoning. If sodium bicarbonate therapy fails to improve cardiac symptoms, conventional antidysrhythmic drugs such as phenytoin and magnesium can be used to reverse any cardiac abnormalities. However, no benefit has been shown from lidocaine or other class 1a and 1c antiarrhythmic drugs; it appears they worsen the sodium channel blockade, slow conduction velocity, and depress contractility and should be avoided in TCA poisoning.[26]
Hypotension is initially treated with fluids along with bicarbonate to reverse metabolic acidosis (if present), if the patient remains
hypotensive despite fluids then further measures such as the administration of epinephrine, norepinephrine, or dopamine can be used to increase blood pressure.[26]
Another potentially severe symptom is seizures; often seizures resolve without treatment but administration of a benzodiazepine or other anticonvulsive may be required for persistent muscular overactivity.
There is no role for physostigmine in the treatment of tricyclic toxicity as it may increase cardiac toxicity and cause seizures.[23]
> >
Tricyclic antidepressants are highly protein bound and have a large volume of distribution; therefore removal of these compounds from the blood with hemodialysis, hemoperfusion or other techniques are unlikely to be of any significant benefit.[25]

1. If she took a Overdose of Elavil 12 hours before it was discovered she
had died, surely someone one that saw her at the 10:00 PM letting the dog out time would have noticed she did not feel well and maybe even was walking funny and or in the bath room vomiting sometime during that night.
2. The report seems to lead the reader into beliving she took 15-30, 25mg tabs of Elavil; a 750 MG one time dose. I think I would be vomiting if I took that many at one time. No mention of vomitus on the floor, or in the bathroom, or in the bedding, or on her clothes in the reports posted. No mention of the smell of vomitus.
3. She was found in her bedroom wearing pants with a belt that appearred to be buckeled, and a t shirt with no undershirt. I can't tell if she is wearing any underpants.
4. She was not wearing going to bed clothes. Her clothes on her in the picture appear to be very clean and neat for someone that may have overdosed on multiple pills.
5. No signs of trauma found. Read the seizure and heart effects again listed above. *She had to have had a very hard seizure and her heart stopped from overdose and she had no signs of trauma?
6. Who does the blood on the floor belong to if she had
no injuries?
7. Both Ball Police reports make no mention as to the condition
of the people they were talking to. If they had the smell of alchol, if
they looked drunk, or drugged.
8. Heather rode home in a police car. Many Agencies SOP is to turn the camera around so they can record the back seat occupant for court latter. All Public record.
This would have shown if she looked still drunk/drugged from the night before at Baileys or if she got drugged and more drunk at the guys house she went home with.

The Autopsy,
if one was performmed, would show what was left of pills/food if any taken in the GI tract and the bowel and since the Police already suspected Elavil should have been a major drug to screen for post mortum. They should have done a Alcohol blood test as well as other blood test for street drugs and if they were thinking it may be a Suicide, they should have worked it up for all drugs through Toxicology.
The Autopsy should be avalable to the family as well as all the lab work and what they found in her body since it appears they are calling it a suicide and not a Homicide.
8. Was she tested for Heavy metal Poisioning? Like Arsenic. Cyanide, Copper, Ethylene Glycol, etc.
People that work on a Military instilation have Access to items the civilian population do not.

I see why the State Police said to re question the witnessess as suspects.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Where's Big Brother when you need him?

That famous video of Carl letting McNair go

Today I find myself with millions of thoughts running through my mind. Information seems to be coming from all directions and I'm not too sure how to deal with some of it.
The biggest thing on my mind are the videos... or the lack of videos. In this day and age there are cameras everywhere. When I was in highschool we had required reading, well I was the kid who was a grade ahead of my classmates and took extra English for fun.. back to my point... We had to read a book called 1984, most of you know the book I am talking about and those of you who don't. You know who BIG BROTHER is regardless.

So, when this all started I immediately asked for the videos, I even called Baily's (the night club,Michael claimed they went to on Friday night)and the Apostele' store myself to request the videos, I was told neither one had cameras installed. The Alexandria Mall office told me, I had to have the police request their surveilence videos from Sept 16, 2005 when Heather purchased clothing on that Friday night. Because we know she didn't have any street clothes with her from what was returned to us(I have a store reciept in a bag with some tops with the tags attached)
Even though I begged them not to give anything back to Michael they returned her purse and cell phone to him, I was devastated. At least Carl had the decency to call me himself and tell me they had to give it back to him.
Why exactly I do not know, when I am her next of kin, not him.
When I got her cell phone back it was empty, deleted everything was gone except her phonebook, no outgoing calls, no text messages, nothing. I took the phone to Nextel and they told me that it had to have been purposefully deleted and they were not able to retrieve anything. I know she had texts on there to me, I still have my copy 3 YEARS later.

The RPSD ignored my continued pleas to look at the cell phone Heather was using{she had used his)and Michael's computers, they refused. I asked about the in car video, I was told repeatedly every time that the cars were not equipped with video nor audio, yet 7 months later up pops a video from a Ball patrol car and not just any patrol car.

So now it has me wondering, are there cameras along the highway?
Maybe in the intersection where Ball PD Wayne Clark found Heather flagging traffic? Trust me I have google Earthed it so many times I feel like I live there again. If anyone knows of cameras in that area I sure would like to know about it and who to call.
Big Brother, where are you?

As for the other stuff swirling around in my head will just have to swirl a little longer. This is enough for one day

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Town Talk is still avoiding us!

So here we go AGAIN! This *&%$! Paper has been giving us the run around now for OVER 3 years. They ask us to do something we do it but then we are ignored. I just do not understand. You see stories on cats in trees, they blow a story about kids celebrating Homecoming and turn it into a racial mess that got National coverage. But this was a young girl who was taken from her home, taken from her family and the people who LOVED her to die.
This man has caused more terror in this family for the last 25 years that you can imagine. It only continues because the paper along with the police and city officials are ALL Criminals themselves. Watching each others back telling us lies and then covering it up with more. He was a SHERIFF'S DEPUTY when they rolled up they PROTECTED THIER OWN and they are still doing it.

Now they have my mothers documents and will not return them. It's been over 2 months and all we get are EXCUSES. Now for my mother's latest letter to the paper:

Ms. Goodnight:

It has been almost two (2) months since I mailed my files to Mr. McCory. You have had them for over a month. To date other than the message below written to me, by you on September 18, I have not heard one word from you or anyone else. I can only assume you have decided not to pursue any story or do any investigation in to our "validated concerns and issues". I have reservations you have even read any of documents or pursued getting any answers to our numerous inquiries. If you had, you most certainly would have discovered the validity of concerns and know there is definitely a real story to be told and hundreds of questions which need answers to.

Your paper writes a story and headlines it on trivial matters, but refuses to address the death of a young girl in the home of her estranged father who has a history of mental, physical and abusive behavior. The fact he is on the payroll of the RSD who handled the investigation, still does not pique your interest. Just how politically connected is the newspaper? Why are you all so reluctant to investigate or cover this story?

I sent my files in good faith believing your paper would do the right thing, and allow our voices to be heard. Your lack of actions leads me to believe you only requested them to quiet us. You just wanted us to shut up and go away and requesting the files was your method of finding out just what evidence we had and use it appropriately.

I want my files returned to me "IMMEDIATELY". I want them in the same order as I sent them, and "I WANT ALL OF THEM RETURNED". I also want them sent "Priority Mail with signature confirmation" just as I mailed them to the paper. I know exactly what I sent, the total number of pages and the order in which they were sent.

Once again "the Town Talk" has proven beyond a doubt to us you are not the "tellers of truth" nor the "dependable revelers of corruption" which you advocate you are.

Please respond and advise me of your immediate plans to return my property to me.

Carol Goldman

The strange Death of Heather-Renee'

Monday, August 25, 2008

Allegations of mismanagement in the Coroner's Office

I can not believe I found this today...

time to find an attorney....

Pulling the Sheet Down

An Independent Weekly investigative report on the Lafayette Parish Coroner's office uncovers disturbing allegations of mismanagement and a questionable autopsy contract.
By Leslie Turk
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
It was the topic of political conversations in 2003, one that left some Lafayette Parish residents wondering why a 73-year-old would run again for coroner after a decade in the position and 13 additional years as deputy coroner. It certainly didn't appear to be about money. Funded by tax dollars from Lafayette Consolidated Government, Dr. Charles Boustany Sr. gets $16,591 a year, another $50 from funeral homes for each cremation he signs and is paid a fee by mental health facilities to determine whether patients committed involuntarily need to stay at the facility for further treatment.
Rarely visible during the campaign — his high-profile wife Madlyn sometimes appeared on his behalf at public events — the well-liked coroner's ability to serve out another term began to fuel speculation that voters would favor the only other candidate in the race, Dr. Ed Day, a heart surgeon in his late 50s.
But on Oct. 3, 2003, it was Democrat-turned-Republican Boustany who came out on top, besting his Democratic opponent by a little more than 5,000 votes.
Less than four years later, however, serious questions about his competence and how the office is being run have emerged.
Dr. Collie Trant, a forensic pathologist who worked as a deputy coroner for the office for about 18 months, leaving his $130,000-a-year job in December, claims Boustany has not been in control of the office he was elected to hold for some time due to health reasons. He says Boustany once told him he went to the gas station but had to ask for assistance because he could not remember how to work the pump. During the time Trant was with the office, the pathologist contends he had no more than a handful of conversations with the coroner, maintaining that Boustany rarely inquired about his work; when the coroner did have a question, Trant says he had to repeat himself several times.
Trant further claims every decision was made or dictated to Boustany by Roy Provost, whom Trant describes as ambitious but prone to shortcuts. Trant alleges a pattern of ineptitude on the part of the seven-year employee. "I left because of the incompetence and the fact that we had a high school graduate running the office," Trant says. "A forensic pathologist should be running the autopsy part of an office when they're doing autopsies. Because Boustany wasn't running anything and wasn't competent to supervise these people, Provost was getting away with anything he wanted."
Trant says he was hired in 2005 to perform approximately 225 autopsies per year but ended up doing almost 300, often without basic information from investigator reports that were required to be compiled by Provost and another investigator, Keith Talamo. The pathologist says he was willing to accept the unexpected increase in volume after the 2005 hurricanes but claims Provost actively recruited more than 100 cases from Rapides Parish in an effort to generate additional fees for the office and make himself look good in the eyes of the Lafayette City-Parish Council.
Provost regularly attended meetings on Boustany's behalf. Says Trant, "[Provost] made the comment one time that 'there were a lot of smiles at the council meeting when I presented our budget to them this month because we're making a lot of money now.'"
According to Trant, Provost exercised undue influence over the coroner, routinely discouraging him from pursuing autopsies in Lafayette Parish to avoid having to help on them (investigators are required to assist the pathologist during autopsies of their cases) and because those local cases would not add to the office's bottom line. Trant claims a dangerous pattern of routinely excluding certain cases from the autopsy table emerged. "They didn't autopsy car accidents; they didn't autopsy overdoses," Trant continues. "You miss homicides. You miss opportunities to answer questions in court. And if you don't perform an autopsy and sign off letting the family cremate the body, there goes the evidence."
According to Lafayette attorney Glenn Armentor, the coroner's office potentially compromised untold criminal and civil cases. "There are criminal cases, where murders are concerned, that have to be duly investigated so that cause of death can be accurate," Armentor says. "From my standpoint, there are civil cases where people die where autopsies have to be accurate so the cause of death can be pinpointed to determine whether or not I should sue somebody."
Says Trant, "Basically, I should [have been] working for [Boustany], but he wasn't asking me should he do an autopsy." Instead, Trant says the ailing coroner put all of his faith in his chief investigator, Provost.
Roy Provost says he left the coroner's office in June. By June 19, the Lafayette City-Parish Council had passed an ordinance that essentially put Provost's new company in business. The council authorized the elimination of the forensic pathologist's position in order to hire Provost's Louisiana Forensic Center to provide all autopsy services in the parish on a contractual basis that began July 1 and ends June 30, 2008 — with automatic, successive 12-month renewals.
Because this is defined as a "professional services" contract, in much the same way the parish does business with attorneys, architects and engineers, the contract did not go out for bid. Because its value exceeds $5,000, it had to be approved by the professional services committee, even though the council had already approved it.
Though it is still awaiting City-Parish President Joey Durel's signature, the contract was executed July 3, less than two months after Boustany penned a letter (addressed to no one in particular) explaining that Trant's departure left him with no alternative but to outsource autopsy services, which were being handled temporarily by a pathologist from New Orleans. "After careful review, it was discovered to be more economically feasible to eliminate the position of pathologist and continue to contract autopsies as well as transportation for our parish," Boustany wrote May 15.
Provost is now renting 1,000 square feet of the Lafayette Parish Coroner's office, a deep-red brick structure on Bertrand Drive between University Medical Center and Delhomme Funeral Home. He pays $1,250 a month, a price LCG says was determined by appraisal. The leased space includes the morgue, two separate "executive" offices, a decontamination room, lab area, utility closet, and all furniture and equipment of the city-parish-owned building he worked in for seven years. According to the lease agreement, he can exercise an option to purchase "all autopsy stations, trays and related equipment ... for $2,000." Trant, who recently priced new equipment for the facility he plans to set up in Rapides Parish, contends that price is ridiculously low. He says an autopsy carrier and tray are $2,500 each. The Lafayette coroner's office has approximately eight.
Provost, who describes himself as one of only 14 "board registered medicolegal death investigators" in the state, had apparently been building his business and lobbying to take over the autopsy services in Lafayette Parish long before his departure. Trant contends that in 2005 Provost asked him to be part of a venture like LFC, but nothing ever came of it. Louisiana Forensic Center LLC filed with the Louisiana Secretary of State's Office on Dec. 29, 2006, two days before Trant's official departure date. Roy B. Provost Jr. is listed as the registered agent and member, along with members Amy Doerle Provost, his wife, and David E. Doerle — all of Youngsville.
"There's a desperate need for autopsies in Louisiana," maintains Provost, who says he has already amassed a large client list, including Lafayette, Iberia, St. Martin, St. Landry, Allen, Vermilion, Rapides, East Baton Rouge and Winn parishes — all of whom Provost maintains can vouch for the quality of his company's autopsy services. All of the autopsies are being performed by Dr. Joel Carney, a Lafayette forensic pathologist. "He's very proficient," Provost says.
According to state ethics law, a person cannot perform a government service, leave that office and contract to perform the same service for a period of at least two years, which is why the contract specifically prohibits LFC and Provost from conducting crime scene investigations for LCG.
It's unclear just how many cases Provost's LFC will handle annually or how much he'll be paid, but in Lafayette Parish, he'll get $1,550 per autopsy. For the next year, according to LCG's budget, he'll collect about $46,500 for performing 30 autopsies on city cases and $26,350 for 17 cases in the rest of the parish. The flat rate includes toxicology, microbiology, histology and radiology tests and analyses ("if applicable," according to the contract), delivery of a preliminary cause of death report and a final autopsy report. For what's described in the contract as "special testing" that will require prior approval of the coroner's office, LFC can bill LCG up to $2,000 more per case. The contract does not define this special testing.
In the year before he left, Provost says he does not know how many deaths were handled by the Lafayette Parish Coroner's office, nor the number of autopsies performed, information that presumably would have been used in his negotiations with officials in all of the parishes he serves. "I wouldn't have those numbers," he says.
Trant was taken aback by local government's agreement to pay Provost's company $1,550 per autopsy. On the average, he says the coroner's office had been billing about $965 per case, adding other costs only when the additional services were necessary. Based on his calculations and recent experiences as a contract pathologist for the Rapides Parish Coroner's office, the $1,550 exceeds that average by about $450 per case.
According to the contract, either LCG or LFC can terminate the agreement with a 60-day written notice.
Provost would only discuss his new business venture, LFC, with The Independent Weekly. He declined to comment on Trant's assertions of how he ran the office, nor would he say who has been in charge since his June departure. "That's a question for the coroner's office," he said. "I'm not going to address that."
On the issue of whether he played a role in recommending cases for autopsy, Provost said the ultimate decision rests with the coroner, not the chief investigator. "It's always the coroner's decision, or the deputy coroner's," he says.
Trant, who was also a deputy coroner, says Provost stopped asking him whether cases should be autopsied soon after his arrival; pathologist Trant claims Boustany is incapable of making such important determinations.
Dr. Kenneth Odinet, who volunteers as chief deputy coroner and has been involved with the office for about two years, says it would be "inappropriate to discuss Dr. Boustany's mental health." A local plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Odinet acknowledges having limited direct interaction with the office, saying he provides services like signing death certificates.
"There have been no complaints to my knowledge ... no lawsuits," Odinet says. "I don't know anything about that stuff. I think it's well run. I think Collie Trant has an axe to grind," Odinet says, declining to elaborate.
Trant acknowledges he would have liked to work for Lafayette Parish government (ethics laws would prevent him from contracting directly with LCG) — and appears to be highly qualified. A Shreveport native and retired Army Medical Corps colonel, Trant completed his internship and residency (in anatomic and clinical pathology) at the Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, followed by a fellowship in forensic pathology at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, D.C. He was board certified in forensic and anatomic pathology in 1984, and his impressive resume spans 12 pages — including a 1994 to 1997 stint as a quality management consultant to the U.S. Army Surgeon General. From 2003 to 2005, he worked at the Franklin County Coroner's office in Columbus, Ohio.
Provost and Talamo both attended a 40-hour death investigator training in St. Louis, Mo., and on March 17, 2006, passed a test to become registered diplomates of the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators. That's the first of two levels of certification for death investigators, who assist pathologists and are deemed critical to helping coroners make an accurate cause of death determination.
Trant claims Provost rarely assisted him, directing Talamo to help on almost all of the cases.
ABMDI spokeswoman Kristin Miserocchi says the course and curriculum are based on national guidelines, and directed The Independent Weekly to a 78-page guide that includes equipment investigators need, along with an extensive list of what their reports should contain. Vital information includes identifying the first responder, documenting time of call and arrival, checking body temperature, obtaining initial incident accounts and confirming location of evidence. The guide states that investigators should always take photographs at the scene. Miserocchi says while the guidelines should generally be followed by registered investigators, it's not uncommon for coroners' office to have their own specific set of guidelines.
Trant says Provost and Talamo rarely turned in investigator's reports, and when they did, the reports were missing important information. "It's basic stuff," he says. "Any high school student who watches TV would know that."
Trant produces a sample of a report done by a college student who worked at the office for a while after being displaced from New Orleans. "He did a couple for me, and [that report's] wonderful," Trant says, adding that Acadian Ambulance medics who moonlighted when Provost and Talamo were out and investigators from other parishes got the reports in as well. "All the other coroners' investigators got their reports in immediately; Provost kept saying, 'You can look 'em up in the file,' but every time I'd go look in the file there wasn't one there."
Provost, however, says he did turn in reports for all of the cases he investigated and maintains he followed ABMDI's guidelines.
So his reports would contain the information the guide stipulates should be in each report? "I guess, yeah," Provost says. "All the proper procedures were followed."
Asked if he could provide reports to support his position, Provost says, "The Lafayette Parish Coroner's office has all my investigative reports."
Trant, however, was able to quickly produce a list of 24 cases of suspicious deaths that he never got a report on: blunt force head injuries; found dead in hotel with mistress; gunshot wound to the head; operating room death; prisoner death; multiple gunshot wounds; young person found dead in bathtub; found dead on floor; drowning; possible child abuse; 2-month-old found dead. He says nine of those 24 cases were subsequently determined to be homicides.
It was another case from 2005, however, that recently raised concerns for attorney Glenn Armentor when he was representing the family of a 3-month-old whose death at a local day care center was ruled a "sudden unexpected infant death" by Trant. When Trant was called in for a deposition about the findings, Armentor was stunned that no investigator's report existed. Armentor had to piece together the scene for his case. "The investigator didn't do what he asked him to do, wouldn't get the police report, wouldn't get the fireman's report, wouldn't get the hospital report, wouldn't get the doctor's report, wouldn't get the state day care center reports, so Trant couldn't get the facts of what had happened, who was there, what was seen, heard and said," Armentor says. "We nearly walked away from the case when we got his results."
In Trant's opinion, the baby died from SIDS, but the pathologist Armentor hired as his expert witness, Dr. Emil Laga, determined that it was a choking, and the case was settled for $325,000 in June.
Armentor interviewed Provost as part of the discovery process in May. When The Independent Weekly asked him about the case, Provost couldn't recall the death of 3-month-old Nora Qamhiyeh, even after being reminded that she died in a local day care center. "Unfortunately, we have a lot of babies coming through the office," he says.
"That's amazing to me that he can't remember," Armentor says. "I went over this with him in great detail. We met for one and a half hours."
The only official Trant has shared his allegations with is Chief Administrative Officer Dee Stanley, whom Armentor introduced him to in January. "The allegations made by Dr. Trant are serious in nature and involve not only the performance of individual employees, which cannot be discussed publicly, but also the operation of an office supervised by an elected official," Stanley says. "Dr. Trant's concerns, along with his suggestions to improve operations, were forwarded to the coroner, chief deputy coroner, and the attorney for the coroner's office for proper attention the very day they were submitted to [LCG]." The issues were also discussed verbally with the council liaison to the coroner's office, Randy Menard, and council chair, Rob Stevenson, according to Stanley.
At press time, Menard's office said he was on vacation and Stevenson could not be reached.
CAO Stanley says Trant's resignation left the coroner's office with no choice but to outsource pathology services. "This contract is service-driven, and the pathologist providing this service is also an expert in this field," he says. "LCG expects nothing less than the same quality of service from this firm that it has received from Dr. Trant and his predecessor, Dr. [Cameron] Snider. Appropriate safeguards, including a right to terminate, were incorporated into the contract in order to protect the public interest."
Councilman Bruce Conque says he was never made aware of Trant's problems with the coroner's office. "Certainly, there is cause for concern if there is validity to the allegations," he says. When the contract issue with LFC arose, however, Conque asked that the coroner's office's organizational chart, employees' responsibilities and an accounting of all its finances be studied during the upcoming budget hearings, which begin in August. "While I acknowledge that the coroner is responsible for the administration of his office, it is the charge of the council to be a good steward of the public dollars that fund his operations," Conque says. "I expect to have the response at the Aug. 15 budget hearing for the coroner's office."
Had Boustany's investigators been more cooperative, Trant says he could have handled a workload as high as 400 cases annually. He maintains that the existing work environment also causes problems for families, who can't get benefits until a death certificate is signed. "The coroner is waiting on my autopsy report in order to sign the death certificates," Trant says, "unless he wants to risk changing it later."
If 77-year-old Boustany was no longer able to fulfill the duties of his tax-funded job, what no investigation is likely to answer is the question of why family members, including his son Charles Jr., a retired heart surgeon who was elected to the U.S. Congress in 2004, did not encourage him to step down. The congressman did not return a call for comment before press time.
In declining to comment on Boustany and how the office is being run, both Provost and Odinet said those specific questions should be addressed to the office itself.
The Independent Weekly began requesting an interview with Boustany last Wednesday, July 25, and called again Thursday and Friday to check the status of the request. Boustany's administrative assistant, Carolyn Bouillion, said she had given him the messages and also said that he and his family had not yet decided whether he would seek re-election.
The next day, Saturday, July 28, Boustany announced his retirement, effective this Thursday, Aug. 2.
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Leslie Turk

Thursday, July 17, 2008

"We are looking into it"

This is my response to yet another e mail from the Alexandria Town Talk, telling us to sit back and wait we're looking into it.

Dear Mr Carty,
Good morning, I appreciate the email and explanations of the deleted ones.

Although, I have spoke to Mr Sean McCrory and was told 6 months ago that the very things you are saying would be done. Now 6 months later you are telling me it is now just being looked into?

I spoke with him at great length at the end of January and was assured a reporter would contact me.

I am still waiting.

Also I believe I also sent the original e mail to you along with the others, and received no response.

So, what you are telling us is that you will or have contacted the other parties, to get their story but you have yet to hear ours in full. You have gotten bits and pieces. Why exactly is no one talking to us? Are the political connections so tight that we are the after thought? Just the ones stirring up the dust?

Forgive me if I seem a bit unconvinced that this email means anything more than putting us off, just a bit longer. This has been done so many times I find it hard to be hopeful that anyone will truly help us. We have been told to sit tight we are investigating, more times than I can count only to find NOTHING has been done or resolved.

It has been almost 3 years since my daughter was found dead in another state in the home of a man who she hated and owed her over $70,000 in child support. The LA DA let him go over & over year after year. LA DHS nor MS DHS did nothing to help. For years I have fought and then when she decided to try to talk to him he killed her to get out of paying and it worked.The child support has disappeared and no one seems to be able to tell me WHY>

The coroners office, what a joke, they sent her body to Lafayette. They took no photographs? No dictation? I believe this to be a LIE, I have worked in the industry and not a body comes in that doesn't get photographed. And to sign off on the death certificate BEFORE the CASE was even partially finished being investigated. Your official state form has a box "UNDER INVESTIGATION" this was the case so why did they certify it so quickly? and according to what we have been told the Coroner answers to the sheriff's Department. hmmm?

We have been lied to by every official that we have talked too. Not one of them has been sympathetic to my daughter's death, they only wanted us to stop asking questions and go away.
They never investigated the "story" that they went out drinking in Marksville. Heather didn't even have bi-products of alcohol in her system, so she hadn't drank in over 3 days, hmmm (another lie, by Michael) I myself called Bailey's and sent pictures to the club and no one claimed to see any of them that night.

It is my belief that He was out looking for her because she wanted to go home, she called a friend to come get her but he couldn't because he was on his way to TX (he's a marine) This was on Thursday or Friday before she died.

She went shopping at your MALL on that Friday night around 6pm. She purchased some clothes at Apostle' they unfortunately do not have in store video. I asked the Mall but the police were SUPPOSED to have requested it but I was never told if they did or did not. Who was she with? what was her demeanor? I believe these are things the police should have been asking.

Her apartment was left a shambles and if she went on her own why wouldn't she take her make-up, hair brush, personal things? Her bathroom was intact. This is a girl who took a blow dryer to the beach for the weekend.

Her car, full of gas sitting in the driveway in VICKSBURG, MS where she lived and worked.

I begged them to check his computers and the cell phone, she had his, she called me and left a message and had this phone for several days. They ignored me.

I got her cell phone back from Michael, it's been erased, everything is gone. I took it to nextel and they told me it was purposely deleted. There isn't even a call in any of the logs. He wiped her phone out. WHY? There were text messages on there to me, I know because I have my copy. I have an old phone that I tried just to see if the stuff went away nope still there after 3 years, call logs everything. Now why would he erase her phone?

So if you are indeed investigating, why not ask us what is missing? why hasn't anyone spoken to us?

I believe there is much more to this story and others are involved. This man is dangerous and persuasive, He himself has yet to tell me how our daughter died in his home.

Good luck, my freedom of information request did nothing for me, hopefully you will be able to get the videos from the patrol cars Initially I was told by Det Stephans that the cars in Ball were NOT EQUIPPED with video or audio. Yet just a few months later one of the very patrol cars caught video of an escaped convict.... now where did that camera come from???

3 persons took crime scene photos at the apartment yet only 14 are available, I suppose they all used the same camera or they each took 4 pictures?

The apt was littered with drugs in the kitchen. living area, but NONE in the room she was in or the bathroom.(The drugs from bottle in the bathroom was not found in her system)

If he was so worried about her taking her life(his words to officers) why have a quart size bottle of percocet on your fridge? Even though this is not what killed her. A massive over dose of Amytriptylin, more than she had access too. Where did the rest of the drugs come from & where did the puncture wound on the inside of her left elbow come from?

Questions, question and more questions, hell they can't even tell WHEN SHE DIED, now come on, if she had only been there a few hours why couldn't they determine time of death.

Again, I greatly appreciate any and ALL help we can get in this matter. I am praying someone will finally listen that isn't connected in someway to this case.

The truth is all we ever wanted, the grand Jury hearing was our only hope and they took it away from us. I have over 130 signatures on a petition for that very hearing. I haven't quite decided when to send a copy to the DA. but soon.

I apologize if I was curt or antagonistic in this email but as you can imagine, in consideration of what I have been through in the last 2 1/2 years, I have no reason to believe anyone at this point in time. I pray this time is different. Thank you for taking time to answer, at least we now know someone is listening.

Respectfully, Leyona Goldman
Natural mother of the Late Heather-Renee' Skarina

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Letter to the OWNER of The Alexandria Town Talk

After many months of being told they would do a story we are now being ignored by the paper, It seems letters to the editor didn't or haven't worked. So now a letter to the owner of the paper, Gannett Company Inc. I think I may also post this to as a comment...
Although they have been digging around, On July 1, 7, 8, 14 on her birthday they were on for over 13 hours.... now why again won't they call me or return an e mail?
Here's my mother's letter;

Dear Sir /Madam,
This is very lengthy but my hope is that you or someone will take the time to read it through to the end before making a rash decision to delete it or forget it.
For over two years my daughter and I have tried very unsuccessfully to have the Alexandria Town Talk do a story. We have received emails and phone calls telling us a story will be done, then nothing happens. Emails are deleted without being read (we have the notifications from the computer). I personally have written numerous time to all the top executives at "The Town Talk" and requested a simple acknowledgement of our correspondence and receive nothing in response from anyone. Strangely enough the "Town Talk staff" has spent numerous hours on various days visiting the web-sites which relate to the story we have requested they profile. Just recently they accessed the site for 13 hrs in one day. We can verify this.

Why isn't our story being heard and why isn't the Town Talk" responding??


We have strongly supported our claims that the above is truth, we have offered piles of evidence, emails, photos, statements, police reports, doctors statements, letters from family and friends and yet the "Alexandria Town Talk" prefers to sit quietly and ignore us.

Background:September 18, 2005, A young girls life is unexpectantly ended. Heather Renee Skarina (age 22) was taken from her apartment in Vicksburg MS by her estranged natural father Michael David Skarina. He had found out she had retained an attorney to proceed with collection of over $70K in back child support. Michael Skarina had spent 21 years avoiding payment of his child support. Heather both feared and hated him. She referred to him as "my sperm donor". Michael Skarina has/had a history of physical, mental, and emotional abuse towards others. At the age of 18 and drunk he stole a hauling truck, and jack-knifed it across two lanes of traffic. A elderly man was killed and his passenger seriously injured "no charges were filed. He beat his wife (my daughter) hospitalizing her several times (once rupturing her stomach when kicking her) the military choose to send him for Phyc evaluations, then not proceed with further actions. He plead depression and left the military when a garnishment was placed on his income for child support. Then he re-applied to the military via the Army N/G reserves. When my daughter fled home (at our expense and urging) Michael. Skarina came after her and stole tiny infant Heather Renee. After several trips to Colorado to court and a Judge threatening to throw Michael Skarina in jail Heather was returned to her mother. This then led to a lifetime of further mental and emotional abuse for our entire family. The ultimate abuse was taking Heather Renee's life.

On the nights of September 16/17 there were three (3) police reports of domestic violence which evolved Heather Renee and Michael Skarina. On September 18, SUPPOSEDLY, Michaels son Christopher age (10) found his half sister laying on the floor in a pool of blood and covered her with a blanket (he thought she was sleeping), how ludicrous is that? He stated he had looked in on her (3)times and she had not moved. The first officer to arrive was a personal friend and co-worker of Michael Skarina. It was not revealed to us that Michael Skarina was a "Rapides Parish deputy Sheriff until we confronted the authorities. The responding officer was also the man involved in a auto accident which Heather Renee's mother was a passenger and was seriously injured when he was 17 years old. Our insurance company sued his family and he has never forgiven us or forgotten this issue. This also was not revealed to us until I confronted the officer myself.

The case was handled over from the Ball Police Dept. to the Rapides Parish Sheriff's office. We were told Heather Renee was being taken to the coroners office in Lafayette where they had a forensic pathologist who would perform a through autopsy. Remember Katrina had reeked havoc, the coroners office in New Orleans was shut down, Lafayette was handling everything for the state. We were told the coroners office would not and could not issue a death certificate while a investigation into the case was being conducted. Well, a death certificate was issued, with time of death being noted as "found" and cause being noted "suicide". That's because Michael Skarina told the officers "she was despondent and spoke of taking her life". Why if she had only been dead a few hours could not a forensic pathologist take a near approximate time of death? Why were puncture wounds found on her arm not thoroughly tested and investigated? Heather never did drugs, had a horrible fear of needles and doctors letters submitted support this. Why would the authorities completely ignore three letters from private physicians of Heathers who stated in writing "she as not suicidal nor homicidal and would never consider taking her own life"? I asked for received and emailed these letters to the authorities myself. Not once did anyone in law enforcement in LA ever contact anyone to verify the statements made by Michael Skarina? "He was one of their own" that's why.

Oh, I missed a "big fact". Remember I stated the Rapides Sheriff office told us (in a email) the death certificate could not be issued while the case was "open", and the coroners office had to receive notice from the sheriffs office "the case was closed"? Well the corners office as I stated did issue the death certificate and we complained bitterly,loudly and adamantly to every level of authority. Well lo and behold, after numerous calls and investigation on my part, I discovered the "coroners office reports to the Rapides Sheriffs office and follows their directions for issuing a death certificate. How about that for lies and a strong indication something is not right with this.

Why would a officer who responded twice to two of the three incidents the night before her death, fail to take her somewhere safe when she requested him too? Why are we being told no video footage is available for any of the incidents. There is video footage of this same officer stopping and releasing a known escaped convict which made headlines across many states, (we have that link as well).

All the drugs found in Heather belonged to Michael Skarina none to Heather. If she was so despondent why were the drugs not secure? Why did Michael Skarina fail to check on her when he stated she had been in her room for over 28 hours without coming out? Why were there no drinking glasses nor drugs found in the room where she was? They were all in Michael Skarina's living room and his possession. Why would a 22 year old female leave home for a "visit" without her car, no clothes, no makeup, no money, fail to notify any immediate family, leave her job, and go to another state with a man she feared and hated?

After numerous complains about all the lies, inconsistencies, blotched investigations, Rapides Parish Sheriffs office recluse themselves and handed the case over to the District Attorneys office. We were then told to write letters to the grand jury requesting a indictment. We were continuingly receiving emails encouraging us to remain positive and authorities would complete their investigation and we would get a Grand Jury to review the evidence and get a hearing.

Well none of this happened. The case was then given to the Attorney Generals office. I personally drove to LA for a meeting and my daughter was telephone conference in. To our utter astonishment we were informed " there is a lack of evidence so we will be closing the case". Investigative reports were not done by anyone, there were no notes, memo's reports, absolutely nothing but words given to us to support their decision. What happen??? They led us to believe they were reinvestigating the lack of professional investigation and actions made by the lower levels of authority and the inconsistencies of each office to follow up a verify evidence submitted. When in fact what they did was just buy time and keep us quite while we held on to a hope of something that would never take place. The case had been so mishandled by each level that the next higher level had no option but to hand it upstream in the hope that somewhere along the line of chain of command the case would simply disappear and we would go away.

This is not going to happen as long as either myself or my daughter is alive. Heather is not here to tell us exactly what happen, we may never know exactly what happen. But!! We must be her voice and get someone to look at the chain of events, examine the evidence, hear the testimony and investigate the facts so the "truth is revealed". This young girl did not take her own life and authorities in LA know it as well as we do. Their failure to support this fact is based on their embarrassment of each levels unprofessional handling the case.

Covering up their errors is the only option they feel they had available to them. Cover-ups regarding the fact Michael Skarina was one of their own, his employment in the Camp for abused and troubled youths (how scary is that?), and the mishandling of the case by each level is sure is create a massive windfall of kayos and havoc that the newspaper is skeptical and leery of touching this story. Why would the authorities not question the word of a man (Michael Skarina) on the amount of drugs found in his possession for depression and anxcitity who was overseeing troubled abused youth? Who is watching the people who are watching our children?

Is not the purpose of a well know newspaper to report the news no matter the consequences of the parties involved? Is that not the purpose of Gannett Company Inc.? Why would " The Town Talk" not even acknowledge our repeated emails for someone to contact us. Let us show them our emails from these authorities which support lies told us, inconsistencies in statements-facts-issues, cover up of knowledge by law enforcement that this man was "one of their own", the three incidents of domestic violence in one night, finally the report of her death and not find this "News worthy"?

I am requesting, no begging you, "Please intercede" and request "The Town Talk" to do the right thing. One thing is for certain, we are not going to stop pleading for someone to listen to us. We can prove our allegations. We can support all our statements above and more. Maybe if we lived in LA instead of out of state our voices would be listened too. But why should geographies matter? The truth is what is important and should be heard. Please help us.

Here is our contact information:
Carol Goldman (maternal grandmother-Heather Renee Skarina)
Leyona Goldman (natural mother of Heather Renee Skarina)
Please acknowledge receipt of this correspondence. It is a simple request. We need your help. If it was your loved one we would help you if it were in our power to do so. Yes we are grieve stricken and will remain so until the truth is revealed, but we also are seeking justice for Heather.

Sincerely, Carol Goldman

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Petition site is back

Ok, so call me paranoid... the site is back up.
Must just be one of those days
where my computer seems possessed..
I am getting off of here, my back hurts and my neck is killing me. I think a hot bath is in my near future.
So 131 signatures on the petition and great comments too.
I am mailing a copy too the DA's office soon.
I was just hoping for more signatures.
Well, I have 10 jury's worth and working on 11...
If you've been trying to sign the past day or so, please go try again.
Now, time for that bath...
Love & Light

Strange how things happen

So, this morning I get around to my e mail and I find that the Town talk has again been "googleing" HR and the story and the petition page!
Oh how excited I was. Now they can see that others too think this needs to be heard. So I do my daily check out of the websites and guess what?

I can get to the Petition page.... not a thing it keeps saying the web site is incurring problems or I'm not connected to the internet.. yeah right.
So is it just a coincidence OR ....
I did download a copy on the 8th but unfortunately I didn't realize it didn't get the last 10 signatures on my copy. This copy only has 120 signatures arrrrg! HOPEFULLY this is a glich and I am reading WAY more into it.
just odd that the site would be down, it's NEVER happened before that I am aware of. And now my blogger is acting up..
very strange if I get booted off the internet, well I guess i stepped on toes..
Well, toes are just the begining, because until I get answers, I am going to keep right on stepping.

Now let's see if I can post this.
Love & Light

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Heather-Renee'

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

The Alexandria Town Talk spent over 13 hours on the We Saw That! website going over the information. Now why wouldn't they just answer my email? Interesting to say the least.

Been a long day and it's only 9:45am. myspace graphic comments
Myspace Happy Birthday Comments & Graphics

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I know, it's been awhile

The past few months have really been stressful, in May I was very sick and came very close to dying. BUT, I'm all better now and ready to get things moving.

In late January I was contacted by the Alexandria Daily Town Talk, it's the local newspaper in Alexandria, LA a town outside of Ball, where HR died. It's also the town I went to High school in.

Anyway, I got a call from the Managing Editor of the paper to do a story. I spoke with this guy at some length. I was told a reporter would be in contact. Well, its been 5 months and I am still waiting for that call.
So, you know me, we start e mailing the paper. nothing
then a response
then nothing
Then mom sent a letter to the PUBLISHER, hehehe, well that got someone to respond on a Saturday afternoon, no less!
well then, I get a return e mail saying "DELETED without being read" oh, boy was I angry. Well as of now mom has written yet another e mail to the publisher and today I find out that the paper has been "google-ing" HR's name. Hmm. they spent well over 30 mins looking at the information.
Keep your fingers crossed!
I let them have it because I have been asking for over 2 years to do a story. I told them they were basically covering up just like the rest of them by ignoring us. If I get no response, I'll post my mother's letter to the publisher. It's a freaking novel and wealth of information.

Take a look at
Cover up in Rapides Parish LA?

So have a wonderful week and stay tuned to the next chapter. Will they or Won't they UnCover the cover up in Rapides Parish?

I have to have some humor in all this or I'll go crazy from the insanity of it all.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Muchloved Site is up

Yes! The memorial site is up and running. I know it affected the story on WeSawThat
but not much I can do about it now.
The petition had about 80 signatures today! I am so thankful for everyone that has signed.

I haven't updated the memorial site of course because it has been down and had server problems. Thanksfully it is all fixed. I will take sometime in the next few weeks to get a few more things posted. I will of course let you know.

Love you guys time for a walk!

Friday, January 11, 2008

The MuchLoved is still down

Dear Leyona,

I am writing to update you on progress following the serious server problem
that happened at the weekend by our hosting partner. I also want to
apologise again for the continuing downtime for which I am deeply sorry.

The initial problem was a misconfiguration of our server by our hosting
partner, however it is taking considerable time to resolve and we have had
unacceptably slow service by our host in carrying out their necessary
maintenance work.

In conjunction with our technical team I have therefore taken the decision
to move our hosting partner as soon as possible to Server Intellect
(, a company we already have a relationship with and
who are also a Microsoft Gold Certified partner.

This does mean that the downtime will be considerably longer than hoped as
this transfer requires considerable work and we will have a message on our
homepage later today giving more details on this. I am
afraid that my technical team can only commit to a date of Friday 25th
January at this moment in time to complete this transfer. We fully
appreciate that the downtime will already have caused a loss of confidence
in our service and, however disappointing this news, we do not want to
announce any revised date that we can not keep to.

The alternative was to resume service on our current host (which we have
used without problem or concern for the last year) by early next week. Due
to the serious nature of the problem that incurred last weekend however,
which has highlighted problems in their systems and service response, I just
felt that before we went live again we had to be totally sure that we could
not suffer a repeat problem. I ask for your patience as a result of making
this decision which I am sure is in the long term interests of all our

I will email you again mid next week with progress and I have asked my
technical team to also update the homepage message with details of progress
with the hosting transfer every few days,

With sincere apologies once more,

[Leyona - I'm particularly sorry as I know your tribute is linked to your
online story and so these further delays will be very frustrating for you.
Our current host has been reliable for the last year but the server problem
has really concerned me as to their processes and systems and I can't risk
any future problems as your tributes are so important to you. I hope you can
bear with us whilst we make the change and massive apologies again - jon]

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Information Highway?

Well, today finds me disappointed in some. I just don't understand when I open my e mail to a bunch of bullshit forwards but nothing that is important. Occasionally I will get something that touches me. Or makes me laugh. Then I will share it.

When you get something important, something that could change the course of the future What do you do?

It's so amazing that I get crap that tells me if I don't repost this I will be forever cursed from having good sex or a boyfriend for the next 12 years...

But something so important that, it could change LIVES, that gets blown off and discarded.
I understand this is not something anyone else would do. Most people would just give up and go on. BUT I am not most people and I know in my heart I am right.

Heather did NOTHING TO HARM HERSELF. Face it she was way too conceeded. She loved herself too too much. And anyone who knew her knows this.

I guess I figured if close to 5000 people joined a stupid group where he will "change his name" if so many join then WHAT THE HELL Heather's group should be HUGE!

What if this were your daughter, your son or a Parent, wouldn't you want to know the truth?
That's all I want is the TRUTH, they lied to me from the very beginging and are still lying today.

All I am asking for is a little help here.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

MuchLoved, update

Leyona - I've just spoken to the technical team for an update and I'm afraid
it is likely to be another 24 hours before we can bring the site up live
again. Can I apologise again for this and I will contact you Monday
afternoon (our time) with news.
Thank you for your patience whilst we sort out the technical problem.
I appreciate it is really annoying and we will be back up as soon as
regards, jon

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 9:12 PM
Subject: Unable to access page

> Good morning Jonathan,
> Hope your new year was wonderful.
> I have gotten a few people telling me the site is not working. Today, I am
> also unable to get to the page.
> It gives a HTTP Bad Request message.
> Let me know if there is a problem. The memorial page is linked to the
> online story.
> Thanks!!
> Leyona


I made a new Group on FACEBOOK! Please join and ask others to join also!

Justice for Heather-Renee'


MuchLoved Site is not working

Today the link to the memorial site is not working, sent an e mail to the admin.
We'll see what happens..

Damn I hope the site isn't gone.. I uploaded sooooo much information and it is linked to the story online at WeSawThat

**My horoscope warned me of electronical problems this month..... damn computers can't live without them and I manage to KILL THEM constantly or at least mame them

I'll keep trying & let you know

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The petition is on the feature page!

Good morning all, not really sure if anyone really is reading this but

I want to thank everyone who has taken time to go and place thier name on the petition. It really means alot to me. Thanks.

Please continue to pass along the petition links, we are getting signatures from as faraway as Canada! It is now on the feature page so MAYBE it will get more exposure.

Soon we should have the report from the Forensic pathologist in Florida. It has been several weeks and we should be hearing something soon.
We already know that the amount of drugs in her system were far more than she had access too. This is just one concern they have addressed.

All of the officials involved are running for re election. I have to use this to my advantage no one wants a messy "cover up" hanging over thier head during an election year. Right?

I also "google" Heather's name most every day just to see if there is anything new... Guess what I found yesturday???
a link to the petition on posted by my friend at We saw that...


Well, I am having computer problems again, I updated my Pavillion and it screwed up my BIOS, now I have to send in the computer to be fixed... I am now on disk 12 of a back up...arg! using my old computer. This one is a bit contrary.
So much for the update..
I have to finish putting away Christmas crap, eh decorations
Love you guys!